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Bernard & Adolfsen – Nachklang

Artists: Luca Bernard & Hans Adolfsen

Title: Nachklang

Catalogue No.: SM 341

Release: 26.02.2021

Solo Musica Shop


This is a selection of Lieder by Swiss composers – to give a superficial description of the songs recorded for this album. Making such a selection involves making decisions. What is important? What is essential? Are the chosen songs gems or rarities? Do they exemplify the work of the respective composers?
A selection can be both a winnowing-out and a compilation. Each of these actions applies to the Lieder presented here. The recordings (re)present debut or early works, and also rarely heard works by established composers. This album centres on the “Seven Winter Songs” op. 1 by Hans Schaeuble (1906-1988). The words and music of the Lieder have now appeared in print, and this premiere recording was made in consequence. The music edition of the Sieben Winterlieder Op. 1 is based on a calligraphic manuscript in the Zurich Central Library, which is clearly a fair copy illustrated by Schaeuble’s brother Erich.

The singer Luca Bernard is a study prize winner of Migros Kulturprozent. From the 2019/20 season he became a member of the International Opera Studio at Zurich Opera House.

At the Zurich University of the Arts, pianist Hans Adolfsen has a Lied class together with pianist and composer Daniel Fueter, whose encounters with music and literature have provided him with a new source of inspiration.

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Heinzen & Mead: „Les Six“ – Works by Auric, Durey, Honegger, Milhaud, Poulenc and Tailleferre

Artists: Franziska Heinzen & Benjamin Mead

Title: „Les Six“ – Works by Auric, Durey, Honegger, Milhaud, Poulenc and Tailleferre

Catalogue No.: SM 357

Release: 12.02.2021


Then as now, the music of „Les Six“ is a fascinating kaleidoscope of musical ideas and friendship; an idiosyncratic preciousness full of musical avant-garde, everyday melancholy, profound curiosities, virtuosity and passion that is in need of rediscovery.

The collaborative work „L’Album des Six“ was created in 1920, to which each of the six composers Georges Auric, Louis Durey, Arthur Honegger, Darius Milhaud, Francis Poulenc and Germaine Tailleferre contributed a piece. Arranged alphabetically, the album summarises the composers through their connection with various aesthetic ideas, different personalities and lifelong friendship. 100 years later, the „L’Album des Six“ is expanded with corresponding song cycles from their oeuvres: In addition to well-known compositions by Francis Poulenc and Darius Milhaud, the first releases of the song cycles by Georges Auric (1940) and Louis Durey (1920) enrich the CD in a special way.

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Quartett des Kammerorchester Basel: Der Struwwelpeter [Premium Edition]

Artist: Quartett des Kammerorchester Basel 

Title: Der Struwwelpeter [Premium Edition]

Catalogue No.: SM 355

Release: 29.01.2021


Der Struwwelpeter – a (hairy) radio play, played and sung by a quartet of the Basel Chamber Orchestra

„Look, here it is. Fie! The mophead…“ The eight famous stories from the timeless children’s book in witty, theatrical settings and arrangements by Konstantin Timokhine as an audio CD: Directed by Salomé Im Hof, the musicians Ewa Miribung (violin, banjo), Georg Dettweiler (cello), Konstantin Timokhine (horn) and Jan Wollmann (trumpet) from the Basel Chamber Orchestra play, sing and tell the popular stories in a colourful, rhythmic and groovy, profound and poetic way: for young and old, recommended from 5 years on. The four stories „Der böse Friedrich“, „Paulinchen mit dem Feuerzeug“, „Zappel-Philipp“ and „Hans-Guck-in-die-Luft“ were arranged for the CD and extended with the four other stories „von den schwarzen Buben“, „Daumenlutscher“, „Suppen-Kaspar“ and „Zappel-Philipp“. The original chronological order of the original book has been retained, so it is easy to read along and follow the pictures. Between the episodes, questions are asked in short intermezzi – spoken by and for children. Stimulating to form one’s own thoughts and valuable as a mediating aspect of the audio CD!

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Estelle Revaz – Journey to Geneva

Künstlerin: Estelle Revaz & François Killian

Titel: Journey to Geneva

Katalog Nr.: SM 345

Veröffentlichung: 15.01.2021


Das Genfer Kammerorchester (Orchestre de Chambre de Genève – OCG) zeichnet sein leidenschaftlicher Einsatz für renommierte Genfer Komponisten wie Ernest Bloch, Frank Martin, Emile Jaques-Dalcroze, Xavier Dayer oder auch Michael Jarrell aus. Die Cellistin Estelle Revaz ist seit der Saison 2017-2018 Wahl-Genferin und Artist in Residence beim Genfer Kammerorchester. Für ihre CD BACH & FRIENDS (Solo Musica), die Johann Sebastian Bachs berühmte Suiten für Violoncello solo in den Dialog mit Werken bedeutender Komponisten des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts setzte, betraute sie den Genfer Komponisten Xavier Dayer mit einer neuen Komposition Cantus II für ihr Instrument.

Die Idee lag natürlich nahe, Frank Martins Werke für Cello und Orchester im Rahmen von Estelle Revaz‘ Residenz beim Kammerorchester aufzunehmen, insbesondere, da Arie van Beek, Generalmusikdirektor des Orchesters, die Verbindung zwischen den Schweizer Ursprüngen des Komponisten und seiner Heimat Holland herzustellen vermochte. Ebenso lag es nahe, eine Komposition von Xavier Dayer mit diesem Programm in Verbindung zu bringen. In der Tat war die Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Komponisten und der Solistin um das Stück Cantus II für Solocello sehr fruchtbar, die internationale Strahlkraft von Xavier Dayer weitere Legitimation für diese einzigartige Kombination.

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